How to Layer Like a Pro

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Who's ready for the cold weather? I don't know what the weather is like where you're at, but where I am, the weather is hot and humid one minute and cold and foggy the next. It's hard to really plan an outfit for the day with this inconsistency! So I've learned that the best way to be prepared for whatever weather changes happen, is to plan and layer accordingly.

Layering can be tricky. Some people just get it, and others, well, just don't. If you're someone that doesn't understand the laying process, just keep these few basic tips in mind:

1 - When layering, remember that your outer layer needs to be a larger cut then your inner layers.

2 -  Make sure your outer layer is heavier than your inner layer. 

So what should be your starting layer pieces? Check out the video below and you’ll be layering like a pro in no time!

Cristina Langridge