Wardrobe Must Haves for Everyone

And when I say everyone, I mean men and women. Sorry if that was a little misleading!

When people find out that I’m a stylist, they often ask me what they should have in their closet. Obviously those items vary from person to person. I’d need to take into consideration what their personal style is, what they do for a living, what types of things they’re drawn to., etc. There are so many factors! But there are some things that can transcend all of those factors and on this week’s episode of C & C Fashion Monday, I give Carolina Silva Jordan the rundown of wardrobe must haves for both men and women! Interested in what they might be? You’ll be surprised by what you already have in your closet. Check out this week’s episode here:

And to check out my picks for filling the gaps of your wardrobe, you can find them here: https://bit.ly/wardrobemusthaves

Now you’re equipped for a fabulous wardrobe year after year and season after season!

Cristina Langridge