Transitioning Your Wardrobe for the Spring and Summer

Do you feel it? The air is changing, the sun is shining and the weather is starting to warm up. Goodbye winter!  

Now depending on where you live, you still may be dressing warm. In Phoenix, where I am, the weather has been pretty unpredictable. One day I’m wearing jeans and a light jacket, the next, I’m searching all over for shorts because the temps are supposed to be over 100°. So what do you do when the weather starts to heat up but the cold days still aren’t behind you?

Well, here are a five simple tips that can help take your existing wardrobe and transition it for the warmer seasoner.

Picture courtesy of Canva

Photo: Canva

  1. Start with a wardrobe edit

    Before you begin transitioning your cold weather wardrobe for the warmer months, it's a good idea to start with a clean slate. Take some time to go through your closet and edit out any items that you no longer wear, that no longer fit, or are no longer in good shape. This will not only help you to declutter your space but also make it easier to see what pieces you already have that can be used in the next season’s wardrobe.

  2. Focus on layering

    Layering is so important in unpredictable weather!  With cool mornings and warmer afternoons, layering becomes an essential part of transitioning your wardrobe from one season to the next. Start with a lightweight base layer, such as a T-shirt or blouse, and then add a cardigan, blazer, or denim jacket for warmth. As the day heats up, you can remove those layers so you stay comfortable.

  3. Incorporate lighter fabrics

    One of the easiest ways to transition your cold weather wardrobe to the warmer months  is to incorporate clothing that is lighter in fabrics. Swap out heavy wool sweaters for lighter cotton or linen sweaters, and switch out your thick wool coats for a lightweight trench coat or denim jacket. Not only will this help you stay comfortable in the warmer weather, but it will also give your outfits a more spring and summer like feel.

  4. Experiment with color and patterns

    Fall and winter tend to be a season of dark, muted colors, but spring and summer are all about bright, bold, vivid colors and patterns! Add some color to your wardrobe by incorporating more colorful solid pieces or incorporating new patterns and prints. If you're not quite ready to go all out, start with accessories like a light scarf or jewelry in brighter colors and really draw attention to your face.

  5. Don't forget the shoes!

    Depending on where you live, sometimes the warmer weather can be wet and muddy because of tropical storms or unexpected weather changes, so it's important to have the right footwear to protect your feet. Swap out your heavy winter boots for a pair of rain boots or ankle boots. You can also start wearing sneakers, flats, loafers and sandals as the weather warms up.

Transitioning your wardrobe from cooler weather to warmer weather doesn't have to be complicated. By focusing on layering, wearing lighters fabrics, playing with bolder colors and patterns, and choosing the right shoes, you'll be ready to welcome the warmer weather in style and with confidence!